

AGI is the token issued for the protocol, which has the functions of governance, rewards, and liquidity guidance.

The total supply of AGI is 500,000,000, of which 88% is used for incentivizing liquidity. The team has zero allocation, meaning they can only participate in liquidity mining for profit, making it a fair launch.

Note: Marketing shares will only be used for CEX liquidity and Market Maker. It will be stored in an independent and transparent address.


esAGI is non-transferable and can be obtained in two ways,

  • Reward to Liquidity Providers

  • Stake AGI and receive esAGI

esAGI has Voting Power.

Convert: AGI > esAGI

AGI can be freely converted into esAGI any time. The process is instant, and the ratio is 1:1.

Redeem: esAGI > AGI

esAGI can be converted to AGI anytime through vesting.

The redeem process to convert esAGI to AGI implies vesting, the duration of which is selected by the user. The conversion ratio will increase proportionally with the vesting duration:

Note: After esAGI enters the vesting stage, it will no longer have voting power.

Cancel vesting

Any esAGI redeeming process can be freely interrupted at any time by the user. And the esAGI will return to the user.


esAGI can have voting power to

  • Participate in LSD Strategy Vaults voting and guide liquidity.

  • Participate in protocol governance.

Last updated